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According to The Verge, there is some good news in the latest version of the White House budget agreement: a plan to provide tax breaks of up to $1,500 for buyers of new e-bikes. This is an extremely important proposal for a product that is still struggling for mass adoption. If the agreement passes in its current form, e-bikes will become very affordable for most Americans. That, in turn, could mean major changes to transportation options for millions of people across the country.

据The Verge报道,白宫预算协议的最新版本中有一个好消息:计划为购买新的电动自行车的买家提供高达1500美元的税收减免。对于一个仍在努力争取大规模采用的产品来说,这是一个极为重要的提案。如果该协议以其目前的形式通过,电动自行车对大多数美国人来说将变得非常便宜。反过来,这可能意味着全美各地数百万人的交通选择将发生重大变化。

The legislation would provide Americans with a refundable tax credit worth 30 percent of the purchase price of a new e-bike, capped at $1,500. All three categories of e-bikes are eligible for the tax credit, but bikes with motors over 750 watts are not. The tax credit is fully refundable, which will allow low-income earners to claim it.


Note that bikes costing more than $8,000 will not be eligible, and the 30% tax credit will begin to phase out for bikes costing more than $5,000. The program is also means-tested based on tax status, meaning individuals earning $75,000, heads of household earning $112,500, and married couples earning $150,000 receive tax credits for every $1,000 spent. It will start to gradually reduce by 200 US dollars.


Electric bikes are much more expensive than regular bikes, typically selling for between $1,000 and $8,000 in the US. But they also have the potential to replace car travel for many people, which could help make real progress in the fight against climate change. A recent study found that if 15 percent of car trips were made using electric bicycles, carbon emissions would be reduced by 12 percent.


There are other benefits for cyclists hidden in the sprawling 1,600-page bill. People who bike to work or use bike-share will be eligible for pretax commuter benefits similar to those who park their car or take public transit to work. Under the proposal, employees would be allowed to receive bicycle benefits of up to 30 percent of their parking benefits, currently equivalent to $81 a month, or less than $1,000 a year, for cycling.
